Australia Conference 2025


The 2025 Banner Australia Conference is drawing to a close. The next conference is scheduled for 2-5 February, 2027.

Held primarily for ministers, missionaries, Christian workers and their wives, the conference also welcomes all concerned with spiritual recovery and advance to book in as day visitors.

A Lifetime in the Ministry

The theme for this year’s conference is A Lifetime in Ministry. The three main sessions will focus on Starting Out, Pressing On, and Finishing Well. The topics to be taken up at the other sessions will complement these and help to fill out the picture of what a fruitful and God-honouring gospel ministry looks like over the long-haul and how we can both achieve it and maintain it.

It seems hardly possible to overstate the importance of this subject. Our adversary the devil is busy at every stage of our life-work, seeking to discourage and destroy. Through every phase of it, too, we have to carry a heart that is only too susceptible to sin and error. Many have begun well and sadly fallen. Others are weary and ready to throw in the towel. For the glory of God and the blessing of others we want to be among the many who have pressed on, notwithstanding their struggles and temptations, and have finished well. It is the prayer of the conference organisers that through our days together the Lord will be pleased to help us to that end.


Tuesday, 4th

4.30pm: Opening Sermon (Allen Beardmore) — Titus 2:11—14, Foundations for Local Church Ministry

7:15pm: Starting Out (Mark Dever)

Wednesday 5th

9.00am: Guard Your Heart, Pt. 1 (Warren Peel)

10.45am: Wrestling with Doubts and Fears in the Ministry (Graeme Hart)

4.30pm: Coping with Criticism in an Increasingly Critical World (Peter Hastie)

7.15pm: Pressing On (Mark Dever)

Thursday 6th

09.00am: Explaining the Decline of the Church in the West (Peter Barnes)

10.45am: Sharing in Christ’s Sufferings: Embracing the Theology of the Cross (Peter Hastie)

4.30pm: Guard Your Heart, Pt. 2 (Warren Peel)

7.15pm: Finishing Well (Mark Dever)

Friday 7th

08.00am: Breakfast and Departure (rooms must be vacated by 10am)


Mark Dever

Mark Dever serves as the Senior Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C and the President of 9Marks. He has authored many books, including ‘Nine Marks of a Healthy Church’.

Warren Peel

Warren is pastor at Covenant Christian Fellowship, Galway, Ireland (Reformed Presbyterian Church) and a trustee of the Banner of Truth.

Peter Barnes

Peter was for many years minister at Revesby Presbyterian Church, NSW, where he continues to serve. He has written several titles with the Banner, including ‘John Calvin: Man of God’s Word’ and ‘Abortion: Open Your Mouth for the Dumb’. He edits the Australian Presbyterian.

Peter Hastie

Peter is the Principal of Presbyterian Theological College, Victoria. He has spent 32 years in pastoral ministry, as well as 14 years in Christian publishing as the editor of the Australian Presbyterian.

Allen Beardmore

Allen grew up in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and was saved by God’s grace at age 12. After a brief career in medical physics, the Lord called Allen to the gospel ministry and First Baptist Church of Clinton, Louisiana ordained Allen as an associate pastor in April 2014. In May 2016, FBC sent Allen to Perth, Australia as a church planting missionary and since that time Allen has ministered at Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church. He is married to Katie and they have 4 children.

Graeme Hart

Graeme has lived in Tasmania, the United States, and the Australian mainland. After study at the Reformed Theological College, Melbourne, he spent three years as an associate pastor at Geelong RP. He is currently minister of McKinnon Reformed Presbyterian Church, Melbourne.

Accommodation and Ticket Info.

The Australian Conference is located at the Collaroy Centre, Homestead Avenue, Collaroy, Sydney, NSW, 2097.

Accommodation/Ticket Options (NB. Bookings are now closed)

There are several accommodation options at the centre, with priority for hotel rooms being given to married couples.

Hotel room (twin) – $750

Shared Cabin (6–8 delegates to a room, male only) – $310 per person

Deluxe Cabin (3 delegates to a room, male only) – $360 per person

Those wishing to join as day visitors for the whole conference can do so for $170 (Includes Tuesday dinner, and lunch and dinner on Wednesday and Thursday)

Evening tickets are available for $25 per evening (no meal).

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