The US Ministers’ Conference is an annual event where men gather from a variety of ministerial vocations to worship God and sit under the preaching of his Word.
Secularism is increasingly antagonistic toward the Christian principles that have served it well in producing a tolerant and generous society. As this antagonism increases, the natural human response to compromise with the culture also increases. But twice the apostle Paul (Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 1:8) tells us to not be ashamed of the gospel or the testimony about our Lord Jesus – because it is the power of God to believers and it is better to suffer for the gospel than prosper in our society.
This conference is designed to equip you for the days at hand.
N.B. The Banner Ministers’ Conference is an all-inclusive conference – including the conference fee, food and refreshments, and accommodation. Take advantage of this great opportunity to grow with your fellow ministers of the gospel!
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