The US Ministers’ Conference is an annual event where men gather from a variety of ministerial vocations to worship God and sit under the preaching of his Word.
In a year when we’ve been forced to think about church in ways that we perhaps have never done so before, it has led to an appreciation of church we have never known before. When we are deprived of something precious we often discover how much we have taken it for granted.
What better way, then, to gather as the Christ-appointed shepherds of his flock and think afresh on what his church actually is and why it matters so much, not just for his people, but for the well-being of the world.
The church is the epicentre of divine worship here on earth. Indeed, in Christ, as we gather each Lord’s Day, we are actually caught up into the heavenly realms as we offer our sacrifice of praise to God. It is the community in which the saints are equipped for service – the family in which we are spiritually nourished, shaped and moulded through ministering to ‘one another’ in order that we might minister to the world in all its need. Join with us as we savour afresh the glorious body of Christ.
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