2025 Australian Conference


February 04 February 07, 2025
Collaroy, Sydney, NSW

The Conference is scheduled for 4–7 February 2025. *REGISTRATION IS NOT YET OPEN*

We plan to hold the Australian Conference in the splendid venue of The Collaroy Centre, Homestead Avenue, Collaroy, Sydney, NSW, 2097. More information to be announced.

The purpose of this conference is the strengthening of like-minded ministers of different denominations. While the primary intention is to help preachers, it is open to all those — young or old — concerned for spiritual recovery and advance.  Apart from a limited number of rooms for married couples, we regret there is no overnight accommodation for single women.

Conference Programme:



4:30 opening address

7:15 evening address



9:00 address 1

10:45 address 2

4:30 address 3

7:15 evening address



9:00 address 1

10:45 address 2

4:30 address 3

7:15 evening address



Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Speakers TBA

Accommodation and Ticket Info.

The Australian Conference is located at the Collaroy Centre, Homestead Avenue, Collaroy, Sydney, NSW, 2097.



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